Place Orders
Orders must be placed separately for each student.
If the school uses IRIS ParentMail or another payment provider, before ordering meals, you must top-up the student's dinner money balance using your IRIS ParentMail or payment provider account.
- From Your Students, for the required student, select Order.
- Select the date you want to order for, then choose a menu.
Add the options you want.
For meal deals, you must select the required item for each option, then select Submit.
- Choose whether to order for the next day:
- Next Day — Select to go to the next day and choose from the menu items
- Back — Select to return to the menu to change the selection, complete the order, or choose another date
- When items have been added for all relevant dates, to save, select Complete Order.
- When you have selected options for all dates and menus you want to order from, to confirm and pay for the order, select Checkout.